23/09 2013 MON 9: 34 FAX +61 2 9258 6999 11!1001/001

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23 September 2013
The Manager
Company Announcements Australian Securities Exchange Exchange Centre
Level 6, Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000

EGM Voting Exclusions

SYDNEY- PrimeAg Australia Limited [ASX: PAG] ("PrimeAg") has received updated advice
!rom the ASX in relation to the voting exclusions for the extraordinary generai meeting ("EGM") to be held on Friday, 4 October 2013.
ASX had previously advised PrirneAg that, in the ASX's opinion, the votes of Australian Food & Fibre Limited ("AFF") and its associates should be disregarded for the purposes of the resolution to approve the Emerald Transaction at the EGM (Resolution 1 at the EGM).
That ASX advice was given in a situation where the EGM would be held before the Scheme Meeting. As the EGM will be held alter the conclusion of the Scheme Meeting, at which time it will be known whether the Scheme has been approved by shareholders, the ASX has reconsidered their decision and advised PrimeAg to the effect that AFF and its associates will only be excluded from voting on the resolution to approve the Emerald Transaction if the Scheme is approved at
the Scheme Meeting.
lf the Scheme is not approved at the Scherne Meeting, AFF and its associates will be permitted to vote on the resolution to approve the Emerald Transaction.
For further enquiries please contact: Peter Corish

+61 7 46884588

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