Dominion Water Reserves Corp. announced that Aquanor’s (“Aquanor”) products are being sold and distributed at the IGA located in Disraeli, QC. Aquanor is presently in discussion with three (3) wholesalers to expand the distribution to over 300 stores of its 13 ppm silicium water. The water is packaged in environment friendly recyclable bags of 1.5L and available 9 bags per box or 6 bags per box. With 71 million litres per year of permitted extraction volume this source located in Saint Joseph de Coleraine features 13 ppm silicon content, a unique water quality that should prove attractive for the specialty water market. The element found in this spring water source, silicon, is considered to exhibit natural health, strength and regeneration properties. Silicon is the third most abundant trace element in the human body, making it an important component affecting health and connective tissues, among other functions. Since silicon normalizes water’s electrochemical composition, the element is a crucial part of the human bone structure, brain and nervous system. University of California clinical trials demonstrate the beneficial effect of silicon on bone health. Moreover, this essential silicon nutrient acts as a magnet to absorb and neutralize bacteria, harmful organisms and pathogens making it central to the immune system. As per a study conducted by Keele University, silicon-rich mineral water can also prevent cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s patients by effectively removing aluminium from their bodies as aluminium buildup which is linked to Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis. Among these benefits, silicon is also noted to treat digestive disorders, cardiovascular health and for a myriad of beauty uses including hair, nail quality and skin healing.