Reply Form ??

To: Pacific Basin Shipping Limited (the "Company") (Stock Code: 2343)

c/o Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited

17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong

?? ???????????*???????



????????? 183 ?

???? 17M ?


I/We would like to receive the Corporate Communication of the Company ("Corporate Communication") in the manner as indicated below:


???? ??? ???? ?? ???? ??? ? ??? ??? ???

(Please mark ONLY ONE? X? of the following boxes)

(??? ??? ???? ?? ??? ? ???? X?? )

read the Website Version of future Corporate Communication published on the Company's website in place of receiving printed copies; and


Em ail Address

??? ?

receive an email notification or a notification letter of the publication of Corporate Communication on the Company's website; OR ???????????? ? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ?

(The Co mpany will send to the email address provid ed above (if any) a notification of the availability of the Co rporate Co mmunica tio n on th e Co mpa n y's web site in th e fu tu re. I f n o email address is provided, only a notificatio n letter of the publication of the Co rporate Co mmunication on the Co mpany's website will b e sen t. Plea se p ro v ide the email a d d ress inEnglish C apital Letters and the email address is use d for notification of release of Co rporate Co mmunication on ly)

? ???? ???? ?? ???? ???? ?? ???? ???? ?? ???? ( ?? ) ???? ???? ???? ?? ???? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?? ?? ??

???? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?

to receive the printed English version of future Corporate Communication ONLY; OR

???? ??? ??? ???? ?? ?

to receive the printed Chinese version of future Corporate Communication ONLY; OR

???? ??? ??? ???? ?? ?

to receive both the printed English and Chinese versions of future Corporate Communication.

???? ??? ???? ????? ?? ? ?



Contact telephone number




Notes ???

1. Please complete all your details clearly.

? ???????????

2. If the Compan y does not receive this Repl y Form or receive a response indicating the objection from you b y 1 Februar y 2013, you are deemed to have consented to read the
Website Version in place of receiving printed copies. All future Corporate Communication will be sent out in the manner specified in the Company's letter dated 4 January
2013 and we will send you a printed notification letter of the publication of the Corporat e Communication on the Company's website.

?????? 2013 ? 2 ? 1 ????? ????????????? ? ?? ????????????????????? ? ????? ? 2013 ? 1 ? 4

??????????????? ????????????????????????????

3. B y selecting to read the Website Version of the Corporate Communication published on the Company's website in place of receiving printed copies, you have expressly consented to waive the right to receive the Corporate Communication in printed form.

???????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????

4. If your shares are held in joint names, the shareholder whose name stands first on the register of members of the Company in respect of the joint holding should sign on this
Repl y Form in order to be valid.


5. The above instruction will appl y to future C orporate Communication to be sent to shareholders of the Company until you notify otherwise by reasonabl e notice in writing or using email at the Company c/o Company's Hong Kong Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited,
17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's R oad East, Wanchai, Hong Kong.

??????? ?? ??????? ?? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ??????? ?? ???

???????????????????????????????? 183 ?? ??? 17M ??? ?????

6. Shareholders are entitled to change the choice of means of receipt and language of the Corporate Communication at any time b y reasonable notice in writing or using email at the Company c/o the Company's Hong Kong Share Registrar.

??????? ?? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????? ?? ??????? ?? ???????


7. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not accept any special instructions written on this Reply Form.


# C o r p o r a t e Com m u n i c a t i o n i n c l ud e s bu t no t l i m i t ed t o (a ) t h e d i re c t o r s ' re po rt , i t s ann ua l ac co un t s t o ge t h e r wi t h a co py o f t h e au di t o r s ' re p o r t a n d , w h ere ap pl i c a b l e , i t s s u m m ar y f i n a n ci al re por t ; ( b ) t h e i n t e ri m re po rt an d, w h e re app l i c ab l e , s u m m a r y i n t e ri m re po rt ; (c ) a no t i c e o f m e e t i ng; (d ) a l i s t i ng d o c u m e n t ; (e ) a ci rc u l a r ; and (f ) a p rox y f o r m .

???? ??? ??? ? (a ) ??? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??? ( ??? ) ?? ??? ?? (b ) ???? ? ( ??? ) ???? ??? (c ) ? ? ??? (d ) ? ??? ? (e ) ???? (f ) ?? ??? ??

* ?? ??



???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ?? ?? ?

P l ease cut the m a iling la bel and st ick this on the envelope to re tur n this Cha n ge R e quest F o rm to us.

N o postage stam p necessary if posted in Hong Kong.

?????? ??????

Computer share Hong Kong Investor Services Limite d

????? ? Freepost No. 37

?? Hong Kong

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