With effect from 1 July 2024, Mr. David Peter Walker, Age 62, would have served on the Board of the Company for more than nine years and will therefore not be considered independent under Rule 210(5)(d)(iv) of the Listing Rules. The Board, upon the recommendation of the Nominating Committee, has considered and reviewed Mr. Walker's credentials, qualification, experience and approved the re-designation of Mr. Walker from Independent Director to Non-Executive Non-Independent Director. Mr. Walker had abstained from the deliberations and decision-making in relation to his re-designation.

Following his re-designation, Mr. Walker will remain as a member of the Audit Committee, Nominating Committee, and Remuneration Committee. Working Experience: Founder and Managing Director of Kauri Capital Pte Ltd. Chairman of Soil Scout Oy Managing Director of Rimu Investment Pte Ltd. 2011 to 2021 - Member of the Global Board of Governors of the International Baccalaureate and Member of the IB Education and Governance Committees. Other DirectorShips Past: Member of the Global Board of Governors of the IB and Member of the IB Education and Governance Committees Chairman of Soil Scout Oy.

Other DirectorShips Present: Founder and Managing Director of Kauri Capital Pte Ltd. Founder and Managing Director of Rimu Investment Pte Ltd. Board Member of UB Forest and Fibre Management Ltd. Board Member of Paptic Oy. Director Experience Details: Mr. Walker is a director of Overseas Education Limited. Professional Qualifications: Bachelor of Commerce and Administration (Honours) from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand Chartered Financial Analyst ("CFA") charterholder Member of the CFA Institute and CFA Singapore.