Ocean Sun announced the commencement of a groundbreaking 2MWp floating solar power system at Soneva Secret, a luxurious resort in the Maldives. The floating solar system, featuring three interconnected floaters, will reduce the resort's reliance on diesel generators, and provide clean, sustainable energy to power its operations. This landmark project, completed in partnership with Canopy Power, marks the world's largest floating solar installation connected to a resort.

Work on the floating solar installation will begin immediately, with completion targeted for first quarter 2025. Once operational, the system will power Soneva Secret with solar energy that, supported by batteries, will reduce the need for diesel-generated electricity. This transition not only lowers the resort's carbon footprint, promoting eco-tourism, but also substantially cuts electricity costs, benefiting both the environment and the resort's operations.

The Maldives is home to over 150 resort islands, making it a prime location for renewable energy projects. Globally, there are thousands of resort islands, presenting a substantial market opportunity for similar floating solar solutions. Ocean Sun's solution has proven to be a robust and cost-effective option for the sheltered nearshore market.

The structure is designed to withstand waves larger than the expected 1-2 meters, ensuring reliable performance and durability in the Maldives' marine environment.