SkartaNYAB Plc Board of Directors has appointed Johan Larsson as new CEO of the Company, effective immediately. He has been CEO in NYAB Sverige AB since 2012. Tuomas Hirvonen, the previous CEO of the Company, will continue as Executive Vice President and member of the Executive Management Team of the group.

There have been other changes in the Executive Management Team as well to correspond to the management needs of the new group starting from 1 April 2022 onwards. Beside Larsson and Hirvonen, members of the Executive Management Team include: Chief Financial Officer Aku Väliaho; Senior Vice President Finland Mikko Ahonen; Senior Vice President Sweden Magnus Granljung; Vice President Sweden Mikael Ritola; Vice President of Project Development Kari Tuominen; Chief Communications & Marketing Officer Minna Koistinen (starts on 1 May 2022).