NutraFuels, Inc. announced that the company is in the process of expanding its manufacturing capabilities to produce E-Vape (electronic vapor) nutrient rich, nicotine free daily health and wellness liquid vape products. NutraFuels will utilize portable electronic vaporizer technology (E-Vape) to deliver nutrients efficiently and effectively in to the human body. Vaporizing provides increased absorption and higher bioavailability of the nutrients being delivered compared to other traditional delivery methods. NutraFuels is currently in development of several E-Vape formulations consisting of natural ingredients that support various daily health and wellness uses such as; Energy & Focus, Sleep Support, Anti-Stress Relaxation, Pain Relief and Weight Management. The new line of E-Vape liquid nutraceuticals will also be formulated and available infused with CBD (Cannabidiol). NutraFuels plans to launch the new line of E-Vape health and wellness products within the first quarter of 2017 and forecast strong growth as the unique line of products enter the market place.