Ellex Medical Lasers Limited reported earnings results for the year ended 30 June 2016. The company expects to report a profit before tax of approximately AUD 4.2 million for the year ended 30 June 2016. The result will be a material increase in the profit before tax of AUD 2.6 million reported for the year ended 30 June 2015. Group revenue for the year ended 30 June 2016 is expected to be approximately AUD 72.9 million, a AUD 10.1 million (16%) increase compared to the prior corresponding period. The net increase in revenue has three components, namely: Positive impact of organic growth in sales of Ellex-branded product in USA, Asia, Europe and Japan of 15% (AUD 9.5 million). Positive impact of lower Australian dollar against USD, Euro and YEN 11%(AUD 7.2 million) Discontinuation of contract manufacturing and lower margin third party product sales that has reduced revenue by 10% (AUD 6.5 million) The increase of 61% in the estimated profit before tax has been driven by the following: Positively: Improved margins on sales due to the increased Ellex-branded product in total sales; the return to profitability of the business in Japan; sales growth in China; sales growth of iTrack product in the USA.