Norwood Systems Ltd. announced it has appointed Mr. Noel Northcott and Mr. Aidan Montague as Senior Executives to assist Norwood with its sales execution to drive commercial scale for Norwood's product portfolio. The two senior hires have joined the Norwood team this month after several weeks of consulting to the Company and highlight external confidence in Norwood's strategy and prospects. The appointments follow Norwood's determination to increase commercialisation efforts, as Norwood's disruptive suite of Telecommunications services reaches a greater level of maturity. Mr. Noel Northcott is an experienced General Manager of ICT and Technology businesses and holds a BSc Engineering degree and a Masters of Business Administration (MBA). Mr. Northcott has been successful in managing several start-ups and in managing the turn-around of several businesses and projects, including work at ERG. He has widespread experience in General Management, Sales Management and Project Management and he will bring these skills to his new role. At Norwood he will focus on sales enablement and execution as well as go-to-market operations. In this role, Mr. Northcott will bring a wealth of business insight and has a proven track record of executing successfully on commercialisation strategies. Mr. Aidan Montague is a Professional Engineer by background and a Member of the Institution of Engineers, Australia. Mr. Montague was instrumental in the establishment and growth of the Australian arm of the internet/communications giant, Cisco Systems.