These documents have been translated from Japanese originals for reference purposes only.

In the event of any discrepancy between these translated documents and the Japanese originals, the originals shall prevail. The Company assumes no responsibility for this translation or for direct, indirect or any other forms of damages arising from the translations.

(Securities code: 6849) June 5, 2024

To Shareholders with Voting Rights

Hirokazu Ogino

Representative Director,

President and Chief Executive Officer


31-4, Nishiochiai 1-chome,Shinjuku-ku,

Tokyo, Japan


Dear Shareholders:

We hereby announce that the 73rd Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of NIHON KOHDEN CORPORATION (the "Company") will be held as described below.

In convening this General Meeting of Shareholders, the Company has taken measures to provide you with the materials for the General Meeting of Shareholders electronically and posted matters to be provided electronically on the following website.

The Company's website:

In addition, the matters to be provided electronically have also been posted on the following website:

Website of the Tokyo Stock Exchange:

(Please refer to the information by entering either the Company's name or securities code, and selecting "Basic information" and "Documents for public inspection/PR information".)

If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may exercise your voting rights via the Internet, etc. or in writ- ing. We would appreciate it if you could review the Reference Documents for the General Meeting of Shareholders (described hereinafter) and exercise your voting rights by no later than 5:10 p.m. on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 (JST), via the internet, etc. or by posting the enclosed Voting Rights Exercise Form with indications of your vote for or against the Company's proposals.


1. Date and Time: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. (JST)

2. Venue:

Fourth floor hall, No. 1 building of the Company's head office,

31-4, Nishiochiai 1-chome,Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan

3. Meeting Agenda:

Matters to be reported: 1. The Business Report, Consolidated Financial Statements for the Company's

73rd Fiscal Year (from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024), and results of audits of the Consolidated Financial Statements by the Accounting Auditor and the Audit & Supervisory Committee

2. Non-Consolidated Financial Statements for the Company's 73rd Fiscal Year (from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)

Proposals to be resolved:

Proposal No.1: Distribution of Surplus

Proposal No.2: Election of Nine Directors (Excluding Directors Serving as Audit & Supervisory Committee Members)

Proposal No.3: Election of Two Directors Serving as Audit & Supervisory Committee Members

Proposal No.4: Election of One Substitute Director Serving as Audit & Supervisory Committee Member

Proposal No.5: Revision of the Amount of Remuneration to Outside Directors (Excluding Directors Serving as Audit & Supervisory Committee Members)

Proposal No.6: Determination of Remuneration to Directors (Excluding Directors Serving as Audit & Supervisory Committee Members and Outside Directors) for Allotment of Performance-linkedPost-delivery Restricted Stock


  • When attending the meeting, please submit the enclosed Voting Rights Exercise Form at the reception desk for the General Meeting of Shareholders.
  • Any correction or update of the materials for the General Meeting of Shareholders (the matters to be pro- vided electronically), will be posted on the websites mentioned above.


Reference Documents for the General Meeting of Shareholders

Proposals and References

Proposal No. 1: Distribution of Surplus

The Company recognizes that returning profits to shareholders is one of management's most important tasks. The basic policy on distribution of profits and dividends is to make investments for future business expansion and enhance shareholder returns as well as securing a sound financial foundation. The priority for distribution of profits is i) investment necessary for future business expansion used in R&D investments, capital investments, M&A or alliances, and development of human resources, and ii) shareholder returns. In terms of shareholder returns, the Company will increase dividends in a stable manner in line with growth in business performance. Share buybacks are conducted in a flexible manner, taking into account comprehensively the Company's future business deployment, investment plans, retained earnings, and stock price level. The Company has revised the indicators and targets for shareholder returns from a consolidated dividend payout ratio of 30% or more to a consolidated total return ratio of 35% or more.

Based on this policy, the Company hereby proposes the distribution of surplus as follows.

1. Matters related to the year-end dividend:

  1. Matters concerning allotment of dividend property to shareholders and total amount 31 yen per share of the Company's common stock
    Total amount: 2,600,798,134yen
    Note: Combined with the interim dividend (30 yen per share), the total annual dividend for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 will be 61 yen per share.
  2. Effective date of distribution of surplus

June 27, 2024

2. Other matters related to distribution of surplus:

To enable to realize flexible capital policies, including shareholder returns, that respond to changes in the

future business environment, the Company hereby proposes a partial reversal of general reserve as follows.


Item of surplus decreased and amount

General reserve

3,000,000,000 yen


Item of surplus increased and amount

Retained earnings brought forward

3,000,000,000 yen


Proposal No.2: Election of Nine Directors (Excluding Directors Serving as Audit & Supervisory Committee Members)

The terms of office for all (eight) Directors (excluding Directors serving as Audit & Supervisory Committee Members) will expire at the conclusion of this General Meeting of Shareholders. Accordingly, in order to further reinforce the management structure of the Company, an increase in the number of Directors by one and the election of nine Directors (excluding Directors serving as Audit & Supervisory Committee Mem- bers) is proposed.

The nomination of candidates for the Directors (excluding Directors serving as Audit & Supervisory Committee Members) was resolved by the Board of Directors, after deliberation by the Nominating & Compensation Committee, which has been established for the purpose of securing transparency and objectivity of the management as an optional advisory body for the Board of Directors, which consists of three Outside Directors and which is chaired by one of such Outside Directors.

The candidates are as follows:




Hirokazu Ogino




Takashi Tamura




Tadashi Hasegawa




Eiichi Tanaka




Yasuhiro Yoshitake



Shigeru Kawatsuhara



(New Appointment)

Outside Director/

Independent Director

Hidemitsu Sasaya




Outside Director/

Independent Director

Sumie Morita



(New Appointment)

Outside Director/

Independent Director

Danny Risberg


  • (New Appointment) Outside Director/ Independent Director

Current Position

Years served as Director

at the Company

Representative Director


Representative Director


Corporate Director


Corporate Director


Corporate Director


Outside Director

(serving as an Audit & Super-


visory Committee Member)

Outside Director





Career summaries, positions, responsibilities,

Number of

shares of the

(Date of birth)

and significant concurrent positions

Company held

April 1995

Joined the Company

April 2007

President of Nihon Kohden Europe GmbH

Hirokazu Ogino

April 2011

General Manager of Marketing Strategy Department

(May 28, 1970)

June 2011

Operating Officer

June 2012

Corporate Director and Operating Officer



April 2013

General Manager of International Operations


June 2013

Corporate Director and Senior Operating Officer


October 2013

CEO of Nihon Kohden America, Inc.

June 2015

Representative Director, President and COO


June 2017

Representative Director, President and Chief Executive

Officer (current position)

(Reasons for nomination of the candidate for Director)

Mr. Hirokazu Ogino has abundant experience and achievements acquired through his career in the Company and its group companies, including the President of foreign sales subsidiaries and the General Manager of Marketing Strategy and International Operations. In addition, he has been responsible for management of the Company since 2015 as the President and been devoted to increasing the corporate value through creating the Company's Long-term Vision and implementing the Company's Three-year Business Plan. We anticipate that he will make the most of his expertise and experience of management he has accumulated to date for reinforcement of the Board of Director's decision-making and supervision of management. Accordingly, we propose that he be nominated in the position of Director continuously.

April 1983

Joined the Company

April 2003

President of Nihon Kohden Kansai Corporation

Takashi Tamura

April 2007

General Manager of Sales Operations

June 2007

Operating Officer

(March 22, 1959)

June 2008

Corporate Director and Operating Officer



April 2011

General Manager of International Operations

April 2013

General Manager of Service Business Division



April 2014

General Manager of Customer Service Operations

June 2015

Corporate Director and Senior Operating Officer


April 2016

General Manager of Sales Operations

June 2017

Representative Director and Executive Operating Officer

April 2024

Representative Director (current position)

(Reasons for nomination of the candidate for Director)

Mr. Takashi Tamura has served as the President of domestic sales subsidiaries and the General Manager of Domestic Operations, International Operations and Customer Service and has abundant experience and achievements. We anticipate that he will make the most of his expertise and experience he has accumulated to date for reinforcement of the Board of Director's decision-making and supervision of manage- ment. Accordingly, we propose that he be nominated in the position of Director continuously.


(Date of birth)
Tadashi Hasegawa
(June 17, 1959)



Career summaries, positions, responsibilities,

and significant concurrent positions

April 1983 Joined Saitama Bank Ltd.

June 2009 Operating Officer of Saitama Resona Bank Limited

June 2011 Senior Operating Officer of Saitama Resona Bank Limited

June 2013 Corporate Director and Senior Operating Officer of Saitama Resona Bank Limited

March 2014 Retired as Corporate Director and Senior Operating Of-

ficer of Saitama Resona Bank Limited

April 2014 Joined the Company

June 2014 Operating Officer (responsible for Internal Auditing


June 2015 Corporate Director and Senior Operating Officer

April 2017 Chief Compliance Officer (current position)

April 2020 General Manager of Global Corporate Administration


April 2022 Corporate Director and Executive Operating Officer

April 2024 Corporate Director, Executive Operating Officer, Chief

Administrative Officer, General Manager of Corporate

Administration Operations (current position)

(Reasons for nomination of the candidate for Director)

Number of

shares of the

Company held


Mr. Tadashi Hasegawa has plenty of knowledge of finance and accounting acquired through his abundant experience in banking institutions. After he joined the Company, he served as the Director responsible for Internal Auditing Department and he is currently the General Manager of Corporate Administration Operations and the Director responsible for Finance, Legal Affairs, Compliance, and Information Systems. We anticipate that he will make the most of his expertise and experience he has accumulated to date for reinforcement of the Board of Director's decision-making and supervision of management. Accordingly, we propose that he be nominated in the position of Director continuously.





Career summaries, positions, responsibilities,

(Date of birth)

and significant concurrent positions

April 1985

Joined the Company

April 2002

General Manager of Marketing & Business Development


October 2003

President of Nihon Kohden America, Inc.

April 2008

General Manager of General Affairs and Human Re-

sources Department

June 2008

Operating Officer

April 2011

General Manager of Accessories & Consumables Busi-

Eiichi Tanaka

ness Operations

April 2013

Corporate Director & Senior Operating Officer of Nihon

(July 15, 1962)

Kohden Tomioka Corporation


April 2014

President of Nihon Kohden Tomioka Corporation

April 2017

General Manager of Import Business Operations


June 2017

Corporate Director and Operating Officer

April 2019

General Manager of Corporate Strategy Division

April 2020

General Manager of US Operations

April 2022

Corporate Director and Senior Operating Officer

January 2024

President of Nihon Kohden North America, Inc. (current


April 2024

Corporate Director, Senior Operating Officer, Chief Re-

gional Officer - North America, General Manager of

North America Business Operations (current position)

(Reasons for nomination of the candidate for Director)

Number of

shares of the

Company held


Mr. Eiichi Tanaka is currently the General Manager of North America Business Operations after serving as the General Manager of Marketing & Business Development, General Affairs & Human Resources, Import Business Operations and Corporate Strategy as well as the President of a foreign and domestic sales subsidiary and a domestic manufacturing subsidiary, and has abundant experience and achievements. We anticipate that he will make the most of his expertise and experience he has accumulated to date for reinforcement of the Board of Director's decision-making and supervision of management. Accordingly, we propose that he be nominated in the position of Director continuously.


No. Name (Date of birth)

Yasuhiro Yoshitake

(March 20, 1966)




Career summaries, positions, responsibilities,

and significant concurrent positions

April 1988 Joined the Company

October 2003 President of Nihon Kohden Europe GmbH

April 2007 General Manager of Sales Promotion Division, International Operations

April 2008 Managing Director of Nihon Kohden Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

April 2011 General Manager, China Operations

June 2011 Operating Officer

April 2013 General Manager, Asia and Middle East Operations

April 2015 General Manager of International Business Operations (current position)

June 2017 Corporate Director and Operating Officer

February 2019 President and CEO of Nihon Kohden America, Inc.

April 2022 Corporate Director and Senior Operating Officer (current position)

April 2024 Chief Regional Officer - International (current position)

Number of

shares of the

Company held


(Reasons for nomination of the candidate for Director)

Mr. Yasuhiro Yoshitake is currently the General Manager of International Business Operations after serving as the President of foreign sales subsidiaries and the General Manager of Asia and Middle East Op- erations, and has abundant experience and achievements. We anticipate that he will make the most of his expertise and experience he has accumulated to date for reinforcement of the Board of Director's decision -making and supervision of management. Accordingly, we propose that he be nominated in the position of Director continuously.



Career summaries, positions, responsibilities,

Number of


and significant concurrent positions

shares of the

(Date of birth)

Company held

April 1975

Joined Toko, Inc.

Shigeru Kawatsuhara

April 2002

Senior Manager of Sales Department 1, Sales Operations,

(February 14, 1952)

Toko, Inc.

April 2004

General Manager of Sales Center, Toko, Inc.


June 2005

Corporate Director and General Manager of Sales Center,

Toko, Inc.


(New Appointment)

April 2008

President of Toko, Inc.


May 2014

Chairman of Toko, Inc.

Candidate for

March 2015

Senior Advisor of Toko, Inc.

Outside Director /

April 2016

Part-time Advisor of Toko, Inc.

Independent Director

June 2016

Outside Director (serving as an Audit & Supervisory

Committee Member) (current position)

(Reason for nomination of the candidate for Outside Director and overview of expected roles)

  • Mr. Shigeru Kawatsuhara is a candidate for Outside Director.
    1. We anticipate that he will make the most of his excellent expertise and abundant experience of the management of a company acquired through his carrier as a global business executive for providing objective and neutral advice and independent supervision of the Company's management. Accord- ingly, we propose that he be nominated in the position of Outside Director. He will have been in office as Outside Director serving as an Audit & Supervisory Committee Member of the Company for eight years at the conclusion of this General Meeting of Shareholder.
    2. The Company has concluded a liability limitation agreement with Mr. Shigeru Kawatsuhara to limit his liability under the provisions of Article 423, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act up to the mini- mum liability amount stipulated in Article 425, Paragraph 1 of the same Act. If his election is ap- proved, we will continue the liability limitation agreement with him.
    3. The Company has filed with the Tokyo Stock Exchange a notification to establish that Mr. Shigeru Kawatsuhara is an independent director as provided by the Exchange, because he satisfies the re- quirements therefor. If his election is approved, the Company will notify the Tokyo Stock Exchange again that he is an Independent Director.





Career summaries, positions, responsibilities,

Number of

shares of the

(Date of birth)

and significant concurrent positions

Company held

April 1977

Joined the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (cur-

rently Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)

July 2005

Councillor, Minister's Secretariat, the Ministry of the


August 2006

Councillor, Minister's Secretariat, the Ministry of Agri-

culture, Forestry and Fisheries

Hidemitsu Sasaya

July 2007

Director-General of the Kanto Regional Forest Office

March 2008

Retired the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisher-

(May 24, 1953)



May 2008

Joined ITO EN, LTD.

July 2010

Corporate Director of ITO EN, LTD.


July 2014

Managing Executive Officer of ITO EN, LTD.



December 2018 Representative Director of Office Sasaya Co., Ltd. (cur-

Candidate for

rent position)

Outside Director /

April 2019

Retired as Advisor of ITO EN, LTD.

Independent Director

April 2019

Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Information

& Communication (currently the Graduate School of Social Design)

April 2020 Professor at Platform for Arts and Science, Chiba

University of Commerce

June 2022 Outside Director (current position)

April 2024 Visiting Professor at Chiba University of Commerce (current position)

(Reasons for nomination of the candidate for Outside Director and overview of expected roles) Mr. Hidemitsu Sasaya is a candidate for Outside Director.

  1. Mr. Hidemitsu Sasaya had been engaged in corporate management as a corporate director and an executive officer and had mainly promoted ESG/SDGs after holding important positions in the area of public administration of agriculture, forestry and fisheries and environment. He is currently a pro- fessor at a university specializing in policy research on SDGs, etc. We anticipate that he will make the most of his expertise and insight in the public and private sectors as well as academia for improv- ing the role and function of the Board of Directors in promoting sustainability and providing objective and neutral advice and independent supervision of the Company's management. Accordingly, we propose that he be nominated in the position of Outside Director continuously. He will have been in office as an Outside Director of the Company for two years at the conclusion of this General Meeting of Shareholders.
  2. The Company has concluded a liability limitation agreement with Mr. Hidemitsu Sasaya to limit his liability under the provisions of Article 423, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act up to the minimum liability amount stipulated in Article 425, Paragraph 1 of the same Act. If his election is approved, we will continue the liability limitation agreement with him.
  3. The Company has filed with the Tokyo Stock Exchange a notification to establish that Mr. Hidemitsu Sasaya is an Independent Director as provided by the Exchange, because he satisfies the requirements therefor. If his re-election is approved, the Company will notify the Tokyo Stock Exchange again that he is an Independent Director. No material conflict of interest exists between the Company and Chiba University of Commerce where he holds the significant concurrent position. He is the Representative Director of Office Sasaya Co., Ltd., which delivered a lecture on sustainability to executive officers and employees of the Company, but the amount of remuneration paid to Office Sasaya Co., Ltd. in the 73rd fiscal year is less than 10 million yen.



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Nihon Kohden Corporation published this content on 31 May 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 31 May 2024 08:34:11 UTC.