Electric mobility specialist NHOA rose sharply on the Paris Bourse on Monday, following its latest sales update, which was well received by the market.

The former Engie EPS - which specializes in energy storage and fast and ultra-fast recharging infrastructures for electric vehicles - reports that, in December alone, it won contracts representing more than 620 MWh of capacity in North America, Australia and Asia.

In its press release, the company stresses that this performance far exceeds the expectations it revealed in its last trading update, which dated from the beginning of December.

While the company maintains its target of consolidated sales for fiscal 2022 of just over €160 million, its order backlog is expected to be between €280 and €290 million at the end of the year, due to recent contract wins.

NHOA specifies that around 1.400MWh are currently in execution, with six projects in the commissioning or pre-commissioning phase.

The group plans to unveil further details of newly won projects at its investor conference scheduled for January 31.

Meanwhile, its shares were up 4% mid-day Monday on the Paris Bourse.

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