COPENHAGEN - Citizens across Denmark have taken advantage of their first opportunity to connect with the police through online video chat. On Monday, November 26, officers at Station Bellahøj in Copenhagen used Netop Live Guide chat technology to conduct a public forum on crime prevention. National television coverage prompted hundreds of citizens to take advantage of this new form of communication with the police.

"Our officers are extremely excited to have this new channel for providing preventive advice to our citizens," said Gert Sejbak, the director of of Station Bellahøj. "We did not need to focus very much on the technology behind this channel. The video chat system is cloud-based and we were able to quickly set up - it only took a few hours and our officers quickly became familiar with the online chat tools."

The online video chat system tested by the Copenhagen Police was Netop Live Guide. In the summer of 2012, the Redwood City Police Department in Redwood City, California, became the first to deploy Live Guide and give their citizens a channel for online, face-to-face communication with officers. The Redwood City Police Department uses this online channel for registration of complaints, follow-up communication, notification of abandoned vehicles, general questions and other non-emergency communication.

Ronny Tovgaard, Vice President of Sales at Netop, welcomed the success the Copenhagen Police achieved with their test of video chat. "We are definitely seeing a growing interest in Denmark in real-time connections between citizens and government agencies," Tovgaard said. "Many citizens are seeking quick and easy online service and advice when they are at home in the evening - outside of standard office hours - and they want personal contact and face-to-face communication."

As government agencies in Denmark and around the world expand their online presence and seek to gain efficiency through digitization, more people will seek out and use online resources. The challenge for local governments is how to best provide online service. "There's a great opportunity here for municipalities and local agencies to meet the expectations of their citizens," said Tovgaard. "But it does demand a new way of thinking. Citizens do not want inferior service in the online channel - chat is an obvious choice for providing excellent online service."

About Netop

Netop develops and sells market leading software solutions that enable swift, secure and seamless transfer of video, screens, sounds and data between two or more computers. The company has two business areas: Customer Service and Education.

Used by half of the Fortune 100, Netop's customer service solutions, including secure remote access and live chat, help businesses provide better customer service, reduce support costs and meet security and compliance standards. In Education, Netop is the world leader in classroom management software, helping teachers in 75 countries make teaching with technology easier and more effective. 

Headquartered in Denmark, Netop employs 130 people and has offices in the United States, Great Britain, China, Romania and Switzerland. The company sells its solutions to public and private clients in more than 80 countries. Netop Solutions A/S shares are listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange OMX.

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