NEO Battery Materials Ltd. (TSXV: NBM) acquired 20% stake in Neo Battery Materials Korea Co., Ltd. from Automobile & PCB Inc. (KOSE: A015260) for CAD 1.708707 million on January 29, 2024. NEO acquired 0.258829 million common Shares of Neo Battery Materials Korea Co., Ltd. from Automobile & PCB Inc. Preceding the Transaction, the NEO Battery Materials Ltd. directly held 0.776487 million common Shares of Neo Battery Materials Korea Co., Ltd, representing 60% of the issued and outstanding shares of Neo Battery Materials Korea Co., Ltd. and following the closing, NEO Battery Materials Ltd now directly holds 1.035316 million Common Shares, representing 80% of the issued and outstanding shares of Neo Battery Materials Korea Co., Ltd.

NEO Battery Materials Ltd. (TSXV: NBM) completed the acquisition of 20% stake in Neo Battery Materials Korea Co., Ltd. from Automobile & PCB Inc. (KOSE: A015260) on January 29, 2024.