Enterprise Products Partners L.P. and Navigator Holdings Ltd. announced that the first cargo of ethylene has been exported from their 50/50 joint venture marine terminal located at Morgan's Point, Texas along the Houston Ship Channel. The Navigator Europa recently departed the facility carrying 25 million pounds of ethylene for Marubeni Corporation, a large Japanese trading company and long-term terminal customer. The new terminal features two docks and the capacity to load 2.2 billion pounds per year of ethylene.

A refrigerated storage tank for 66 million pounds of ethylene is also being built on-site and will increase the capability to load ethylene up to a rate of 2.2 million pounds per hour. Tank construction is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2020. The export terminal is pipeline-connected to Enterprise's Mont Belvieu, Texas complex, where the company is in the process of commissioning a high-capacity ethylene salt dome storage well with a capacity of 600 million pounds.

Enterprise has designed the system to serve as an open market storage and trading hub for the ethylene industry through storage, connections to multiple ethylene pipelines and high-capacity export capabilities. In addition to the new ethylene export terminal and storage infrastructure are two projects Enterprise is developing that will extend its ethylene pipeline and logistics system further into South Texas, a leading growth area for new crackers and ethylene derivative plants. A 24-mile pipeline between Mont Belvieu and Bayport, Texas routed through Morgan's Point is expected to begin service in the fourth quarter of 2020.

Enterprise recently announced plans to build the 90-mile Baymark Pipeline from Bayport to Markham, Texas, that is also expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2020. Both pipelines are supported by long-term customer commitments and will enable producers and consumers throughout Texas to access the Enterprise open market ethylene storage and trading hub.