myFC's smartphone integration offering LAMINA MAX™ will be showcased at the consumer technology conference, CES Las Vegas. The objective is deep integration of fuel cells in smartphones, providing smartphone manufacturers with a sought-after competitive edge and consumers with power gap relief. myFC has intensified its efforts within fuel cell integration into smartphones as part of its long-term strategy. The LAMINA MAX platform is intended as the reference platform for all possible variants of future integration of fuel cells and batteries for the smartphone ecosystem. The offering is one of myFC's three focus areas, together with fuel cell charger JAQ Hybrid and automotive range extender LAMINA REX. Deep integration of fuel cells in smart phones in order to offload batteries solves two major challenges: Smartphone manufacturers (OEMs) were during 2018 forced to provide users with a deteriorating experience, with their new models offering less battery time than their predecessors, in some cases by more than an hour[1]. Batteries simply are not improving at the speed the users need them to. Even with breakthroughs in faster charging, users remain tethered to the wall. Uninterrupted power on-the-go would provide a sought-after differentiation possibility for OEMs. Consumers expect more from (and are increasingly dependent) on their smartphones, but the power gap only continues to grow – as mentioned above by more than an hour in some new models. Most users can identify with the fear of not being able to complete a mobile payment in the store, check in at the airport gate or simply reach user destination before the map application eats through user battery and user are stuck without navigation options. In October, myFC announced it had conducted a fully functional integration when an integrated myFC fuel cell was used to generate power on-the-go in a commercially available smartphone. The company also announced it had a patent pending that ensures the fuel cell cannot be compromised by counterfeit cards. The technology has since been developed further, and an updated reference design will be showcased at CES. LAMINA MAX, JAQ Hybrid, and a LAMINA REX demo will all be showcased at CES 2019.