Fewer than two-thirds of Canadians say that they will be taking as much vacation time as they are entitled to this summer, according to a new poll by Monster.ca. And among those who are vacationing, some say they will actually check in with work while on holiday.

About 64% - or 1,178 out of 1,841 - of the Canadians who participated in a recent online poll at Monster.ca said that they will indeed be fleeing work to enjoy a well-earned vacation this summer, saying they "deserve every minute and more."

About 19% of those participating in the poll, however, said they will not be taking any vacation time because they do not want to come back to a ?nightmare workload.? Another 16% said they will only be taking a partial vacation this summer, citing the ?guilt? they would feel for leaving work behind.

The poll also revealed that Quebec workers appear much more eager to make the most of their summer holidays, with 72% of French Canadians polled - 164 out of 225 - saying they will take vacation time. About 15% said they will not be taking a summer vacation, while 12% will be taking partial vacations.

?In order to maintain a positive and healthy work-life balance, taking time off from the job is a necessity today,? said Gabriel Bouchard, Monster Canada's vice president and general manager. ?Employers need to take the initiative to encourage their staff to take vacation time, as it helps to increase overall performance and morale. Companies are beginning to recognize that their employees come back more energized and productive.?

A separate online poll by Monster.ca revealed that a significant number of Canadians will not be leaving their work completely behind while on summer holidays. More than one third - 595 of 1,598 poll participants or 37% - said that they will be using their cell phone, BlackBerry or laptop to check in with work periodically while vacationing.

To view the results of the latest Monster polls and to read the current feature story titled, Summer Vacation? What Summer Vacation?, visit http://content.monster.ca/13836_en-CA_p1.asp.

About Monster Canada

Monster Canada (www.Monster.ca) is Canada's leading online career resources portal - a bilingual, user-friendly online resource that is revolutionizing job seeking and recruitment. Headquartered in Montreal, Monster Canada is part of Monster, the leading global online careers and recruitment resource. With a local presence in key markets in North America, Europe, and Asia, Monster works for everyone by connecting employers with quality job seekers at all levels and by providing personalized career advice to consumers globally. Through online media sites and services, Monster delivers vast, highly targeted audiences to advertisers. Monster Worldwide is a member of the S&P 500 Index and the NASDAQ 100. To learn more about Monster's industry-leading employer products and services, please visit http://solutions.monster.ca.

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For more information or to arrange an interview:
Porter Novelli Canada (for Monster Canada)
Sharon Navarro, 416-422-7150
Monster Canada
Robert Waghorn, 514-350-0702