Corporate Tax Identification (CNPJ/MF): 02.762.115/0001-49
Registry of Commerce (NIRE): 3330026111-7 (Open Capital Company)

Notice to Market

MMX Mineração e Metálicos S.A. ("MMX" or "Company"), the only Brazilian iron ore mining company with integrated logistics listed on the BM&FBovespa New Market, hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that the disclosure of the financial information relating to the first quarter of 2014, previously announced for May 22nd, 2014, has been postponed and is now expected to be uploaded on the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) website on June 24th , 2014, after BM&FBOVESPA market closes, with the Results Conference Call to be held on June 25th , 2014 at 1:00pm.
The Company clarifies that the postponed disclosure of financial information was necessary because understandings and adjustments are still in progress with its independent auditors regarding the accounting developments in the financial statements of MMX, following the conclusion of the investment transaction by Trafigura and Mubadala in Porto Sudeste do Brasil S.A. (formerly known as MMX Porto Sudeste Ltda.), as well as the effects of the ratification of the Company's business plan.
Rio de Janeiro, May 19th , 2014.
Carlos Gonzalez
CEO and Investor Relations Officer

MMX Mineração e Metálicos S.A.


About MMX:

MMX, an EBX group mining Company, was established in 2005. The company produces about 7 million tons of iron ore per year. Recently, the Company began negotiations to sell 65% of Superporto Sudeste, a port terminal under construction in Itaguaí, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. As of mid-2014, the Company will have guaranteed access to transocean markets for the iron ore produced at the Serra Azul Unit in the State of Minas Gerais. At the moment, MMX is currently reviewing its business model. For further
information, visit the website:


Investors: Adriana Marques +55 21 2163 6197

Press: Juliana Campos + 55 31 3516 7542


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