Bologna, December 4, 2012 - The Board of Directors of Milano Assicurazioni S.p.A., meeting today, among other issues appointed the corporate officers and the internal committees of the board as reported below.

The Board of Directors appointed, for the duration of its mandate, and therefore until the approval of the
2012 Annual Accounts:
- Fabio Cerchiai as Chairman;
- Pierluigi Stefanini as Vice Chairman;
- Carlo Cimbri as Chief Executive Officer.
The Vice Chairman Pierluigi Stefanini was also appointed Director in charge of the internal control and risk management system, in accordance with the Self-Governance Code of listed companies.
The Board of Directors appointed, for the duration of its mandate and therefore until the approval of the
2012 Annual Accounts, an Executive Committee comprising 3 directors in the persons of the Chairman, Vice Chairmen and the Chief Executive Officer.
The Board of Directors also appointed:
- the Directors Carla Angela (as lead coordinator), Silvia Bocci and Antonio Rizzi to the Internal
Control and Risks Committee, all of whom independent.
- the Committee of Independent Directors, set up in accordance with the procedure for transactions with related parties of the FONDIARIA-SAI Group in relation to the proposed integration with the Unipol Group, as the Directors Antonio Rizzi (as lead coordinator), Gianluca Brancadoro and
Cristina De Benetti, all of whom independent and not related parties.

MILANO ASSICURAZIONI S.p.A. Sede Legale e Direzione

20161 Milano - Via Senigallia, 18/2

Tel. (+39) 02.6402.1 - Fax (+39) 02.6402.2331

Capitale Sociale € 373.682.600,42 int. vers. - Numero di iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Milano, Codice Fiscale e Partita I.V.A. 00957670151 - Impresa autorizzata all'esercizio delle assicurazioni (art. 65

R.D.L. 29-4-1923 n. 966) - Iscritta alla Sez. I dell'Albo Imprese presso l'Isvap al numero 1.00010

Società appartenente al gruppo assicurativo Fondiaria-SAI, iscritto all'albo dei gruppi assicurativi al n. 030

Direzione e coordinamento FONDIARIA-SAI S.p.A.

- the Remuneration Committee as the Directors Gianluca Brancadoro (as lead coordinator), Silvia
Bocci and Carla Angela, all of whom independent.
The Board of Directors at the next meeting will formally verify the independence of the qualifying
The Board finally appointed, for the duration of its mandate, Mr. Massimo Dalfelli as the Executive
Responsible for the preparation of the corporate and accounting documents.

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