MicroPlanet Technology Corp. announced the resignation of Board Chair and Board Member Myron Tetreault, the selection of Alan Richardson, a member of the Board since 2009, as the new Chairman of the Board, and the appointment of Grahame Foulger, subject to regulatory approvals, to fill the vacancy created by Mr. Tetreault's resignation. Mr. Tetreault has served as a board member since 2004 and as Chairman of the Microplanet Board of Directors since 2006.

Mr. Tetreault began his career as a lawyer with the firm of Bennett Jones LLP. During the past 15 years, Mr. Tetreault has co-founded and served on the boards of a number of corporations and private investment companies. Following Mr. Tetreault's resignation the Board nominated Mr. Richardson to serve as the Chairman.

Mr. Richardson joined the Board in 2009 following a long career in the electric utility industry, serving as Chairman and CEO of the American Public Power Association in Washington for the last 12 years of his career. APPA is a national service organization representing the interests of the nearly 2,000 locally owned, publicly controlled electric utilities in the U.S. While with APPA, Mr. Richardson founded and nurtured APPA's for-profit subsidiary, Hometown Connections, LLC, whose goal it has been to consolidate public power's collective purchasing power in the market place. Mr. Richardson has testified before numerous Congressional committees and published a number of articles on the electric utility industry.