( a s u b s i d i a r y

o f

M e r c a t o r L im i t e d )

M E RCAT'C) R P E'T R () L E U M

3 r d F l o o r, M i t t a l To wer, B wing, Nar iman Poin t, Mumb ai 400021, India. CIN : U11102MIJ2007PLC170562


, 9 1

2 2

403 733 33


+ 9 1

2 2

66 3 73 3 33

r-ax :

+ 9 1

2 2

663 73344


Date: 2911

February, 2016

Websi te : www.merca tor.in

E·rnail mercator@morcator.in

Ref. No. : M PL/CB09/FIC0/349


Regional Office, Western Region,

Kendriya Paryavaran Bhavan Link Road No. 3

E-5, Ravi Shankar Nagar, Bhopal-


Telefax: 0755-2465054

Sub: Status of the compliance of the stipulated environmental conditions.

Ref: F No. J-11011/12/2011-IA II (I) Exploratory Drilling (Onshore) for Oil and Gas (15 wells) in Block CB-ONN-2005/9 in TALUKA Bharuch, District Bharuch and Taluka Karjan, Vadodara, Gujarat by Ms Mercator Petroleum Limited - Environmental Clearance dated 26th September, 2012

Dear Sir/Madam,

We, Mercator Petroleum Limited (MPL) refer to the aforementioned EC and pursuant thereto; enclose a report (along with supporting annexures) on the status of the compliance of the stipulated environmental conditions. We request you to acknowledge the receipt of the same in good order.

Thanking You You _.:s Sincer';!JI,


Dr. Rabi Bastia MC Member

Encl: As Above

Cc: 1. Central Pollution Control Board, Parivesh Bhavan, Opp. VMC ward office no. 1, Subhanpura Vadodara-390 023
  1. Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Shed No. C - 1/1 19/3, GIDC Estate N a rma d a nagar, Bharuch - 392


  2. Gujarat Pollution Control Board, E.R.I Compound, Race Course Road,
Vadodara- 390 007

Subject: Six Monthly EC compliance Report - Exploratory drilling (onshore) oil and gas (15 wells) in Block CB-ONN-200519 in Taluka Bharuch and Taluka Karjan, Vadodara, Gujarat.

EC number: F.No. J-11011/1212011 - IA II (I) dated 26111 September 2012. This period covers drilling of Exploratory Well Jyoti 3.

Drilling of Exploratory Well Jyoti 3 was from ?'" November to 17"' December, 2015. Well Jyoti 4


was drilled from 241

December, 2015 to 4"' February, 2016.

S.No. Conditions of Environmental Clearance .. I Compliance -

7.0 (A) Specific Conditions

I This EC is only for exploratory drilling. In case Noted. development drilling to be done in future, prior clearance must be obtained from concerned authorities.


ii The flare System designed as per good oilfield Noted

practices and OISD guidelines. The Stack height shall be provided as per regulatory environment and emission from stack will meet MOEF/CPCB guidelines

iii Ambient air quality monitored near closest Ambient air monitoring was carried out human settlements as per the National Air Report is attached as Annexure 1.


Quality Emission standards issued by the Ministry vide G.S.R. No. 826(E) dated 161

November 2009, for PM10, PM2.5,

S02,NOx,CO,CH4, HC, Non - Methane HC

  1. Mercury shall also be analyzed in air, water For Mercury in Air refer Annexure -1. and drill cuttings twice during drilling period For Mercury in solid refer Annexure -2

    For Mercury in water refer Annexure - 3

  2. Approach road shall be made pucca to Complied minimize aeneration af susoended dust.

  3. The company shall make the arrangements for Necessary measures were undertaken control of noise from drilling activity. Acoustic to reduce noise levels at drill site. DG enclosure shall be provided DG sets and set used had acoustic enclosure and proper stack height shall be provided as per complying to CPCB guidelines. In CPCB guidelines addition ear plugs I muffs were provided to working staff. Noise level

monitored at suitable oeriod.

vii Total water requirement shall not exceed 20 Water requirement was met by tanker m3 /day and prior permission shall be obtained supply from local approved supplier. from the concerned anencv.

viiiThe company shall construct the garland drain Constructed the garland drains all all around the drill site to prevent runoff of any around the drilling site. Oil oil containing waste into the nearby bodies. contaminated and non ail Separate drainage system shall be created for contaminated effluents were separate.

oil contaminated and non oil contaminated. Effluent water was being reused I Effluent shall be properly treated and treated recycled after treatment with mobile wastewater shall conform to CPCB standards ETP.

---- ·"----- -----·----- ---·-·-·-·-"-·----·--

S.No. Conditions of Envi_r_o11_m_en_t Clearance ----·---Compliance· ·----------·-·

ix Drilling wastewater including drill cuttings Drilling waste water and drill cutting wash water shall be collected in disposal pit were collected in the HOPE lined pit lined with HOPE lining evaporated or treated and dried with solar evaporation. and shall comply with the notified standards Waste water collected in the pit was for on-shore disposal. The membership of treated through mobile STP. Reports common TSDF shall be obtained for the attached as Annexure 3.

disposal of drill cuttings and hazardous waste.

Otherwise, secured land fill shall be created as per the design approved by the CPCB and obtain authorization from the SPCB. Copy of authorization or membership of TSDF shall be submitted to Ministry's Regional Office at Bhopal .

Drill cuttings were sent to TSDF site. Copy of TSDF membership has been provided in the past.

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  1. Good sanitation facility should be provided at Complied the drilling site. As proposed, domestic

    sewage shall be disposed off through modular STP.

  2. Oil spillage prevention scheme should be prepared. A contingency plan for handling any oil spillage I containment by restricting I containing the affected area and for clean up should be in place which should be based on the use of proven technology. The recyclable waste (oily sludge) and spent oil should be dis osed to the authorized rec clers.

  1. The company shall comply with the guidelines for disposal of solid waste, drill cutting and drilling fluids for onshore drilling operation notified vide GSR.546(E) dated 30th August, 2005.

  2. The Company shall take necessary measures to prevent fire hazards, containing oil spill and soil remediation as needed. Possibility of using ground flare shall be explored. At the place of ground flaring, the overhead flaring stack with knockout drums shall be installed to minimize aseous emissions durin o eration.

  3. The company shall develop a contingency plan for H2S release including all necessary aspects from evacuation to resumption of normal operations. The workers shall be provided with personal H2S detectors in locations of high risk of exposure along with self containin breathin a aratus.

  1. The company shall carry out long term subsidence study by collecting base line data before initiating drilling operation till the project lasts. The data so collected shall be submitted six monthly to the Ministry and its Regional Office at Bhopal.

  2. On completion of drilling, the company has to lu the drilled wells safel and obtain

Complied. Emergency plan was in place. and spent oil was disposed to the authorized recyclers.


Firefighting equipment was provided as per OISD guidelines.

No H2 S was expected in the field. However portable H2S gas detectors were provided in the field.




···-···---- · -·--··------ ---..-·--..----···-··

certificate from environment safety angle from

--·-- theconcerned authority/SPCB --·--·-·--··-·..··- ······-·-.,-·---·--

  1. Blow Out Preventor (BOP) system shall be Complied

    installed to prevent well blow outs during drilling operations. BOP measures during drilling shall focus on maintaining well bore hydrostatic pressure by proper pre-well planninq and drilling fluid logging etc.

  2. Emergency Response Plan (ERP) shall be Emergency plan in place. based on the guidelines by OISD, DGMS and

    Govt. of India.

  3. All diesel storage at site should be bunded Complied. with adequate fire protection measures.

S.No. Conditions of Environmental Clearance Compliance

xx The company shall take measures after Complied. Well was left in safe completion of drilling process by well plugging condition after drilling.

and secured enclosures, decommissioning of

rig upon abandonment of the well and drilling In the event of no economic quantity of site shall be restored the area in original hydrocarbon is found, wells will be condition. In the event that no economic abandoned, as per applicable norms. quantity of hydrocarbon is found a full

abandonment plan shall be implemented for the drilling site in accordance with the annlicable Indian Petroleum Requlations.

xxiOccupationalhealth surveillance of the Pre medical examination of workers workers shall be carried out as per prevailing was done as per norm.

Acts and rules.

  1. In case the commercial viability of the project In case commercial viability is established, the Company shall prepare a established, the company will prepare detailed plan for development of oil and gas a detailed development plan andapply

    fields and obtain fresh environmental for fresh clearance from ministry, clearance from the Ministry.

  2. All the commitment made regarding issues Being Complied. raised during the public hearing I consultation


meeting held on 81

November 2011 shall be

satisfactorilv imolemented

xxiv Restoration of the project site after completion Restoration of site shall be done as per of drilling shall be carried out satisfactorily and norm once work is fully completed. report shall be sent to the Ministry's Regional

Office at Bhopal.

xxv Oil content in the drill cuttings shall be Oilcontained in the drill cutting was monitored by some Authorized agency and monitoredthrough third party report shall be sent to the Ministry's Regional laboratory.Reports attachedas Office at Bhopal. Annexure4.

Oil contained in waste water in Annexure 3

  1. Under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Company provides adequate funds Sufficient budgetary provision shall be made under CSR.

    for health improvement, education, water and electricity supply etc. in and around the project

  2. An audit shall be done to ensure that the Audit is being planned.

Environment Management Plan is implemented in totality and report shall be submitted to the Ministry's Reaional Office.

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Mercator Lines Limited published this content on 31 January 2017 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 31 January 2017 05:54:06 UTC.

Original documenthttp://mercator.in/news/CB9 Compliance 2016.pdf

Public permalinkhttp://www.publicnow.com/view/83527447A48C871447A8190279BC54B5009F4522