Singapore -8 January 2013 -LinkedIn, the world's largest professional network with more than 187 million members globally, today announced the appointment of Hari Krishnan as the company's Managing Director in Asia-Pacific and Japan. Krishnan will be playing a key role in growing LinkedIn's presence in the Asia-Pacific region and reinforcing LinkedIn's commitment to connect professionals in Asia-Pacific and Japan to make them more successful and productive.

Asia-Pacific is one of LinkedIn's fastest growing regions, underpinned by phenomenal membership and business growth. LinkedIn's footprint in the Asia-Pacific region spans ten offices, 350+ employees, four Asian languages, and 37 million members- a membership growth of 12 million over the last year.

"LinkedIn has grown tremendously in the Asia-Pacific region over the past year, but we are still in the early stages of our expansion," Krishnan said. "I look forward to working with our team to help growing numbers professionals across the region leverage LinkedIn to network, build their professional brand, gain insights from the community and find new career and business opportunities."

Krishnan joined LinkedIn in 2009 as the first employee in Asia-Pacific and has led the growth of LinkedIn's presence in India, one of LinkedIn's fastest growing markets.

In his new role, Krishnan has relocated to the company's Asia-Pacific headquarters in Singapore. Opened in May 2011, LinkedIn's Singapore office acts as a hub for LinkedIn's regional sales and marketing, member engagement, strategic regional partnerships and general operations for all of Asia.

Krishnan succeeds Arvind Rajan, who has moved into the role of Managing Director and Vice President, New Markets, which will be focused on evaluating new market opportunities across the globe. Over the last few years, Rajan has played a critical role in establishing LinkedIn's presence internationally, with his most recent purview being the Asia-Pacific region. In his new role, Krishnan's appointment will continue the momentum of growth in the coming year.

Notes to editors

[1]Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Malaysia, Japanese, and Korean

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