Landec Corporation provided earnings guidance for the third quarter and full year of fiscal 2020. For the quarter, the company is expected to report revenues from continuing operations to grow 8% to 10% (range of $602 million to $613 million) compared to fiscal 2019. Earnings per share is expected to be in range of $0.28 to $0.32 and consolidated EBITDA to be in the range of $36 million to $40 million. For the full year, the company expects revenues from continuing operations to be in the range of $154 million to $158 million compared to third quarter of fiscal 2019. Net income per share of $0.06 to $0.09, due to certain shipments for Lifecore shifting from the fiscal third quarter to the fiscal fourth quarter, Yucatan working through the last of its high-cost products and starting to sell more of its lower-cost products that have been produced since October and a portion of the cost out savings for the fiscal third quarter being delayed to the fiscal fourth quarter EBITDA to be in the range of $7 million to $11 million.