Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. announced that researchers, working pursuant to Kraig's collaborative research program, utilizing customized spider silk genetic engineering sequences, succeeded in creating a new type of recombinant spider silk, which the Company is designating as "Big Red." The "Big Red" silk is currently being spun within the laboratory by transgenicly modified silkworms. This new type of fiber was designed to be a combination of spider silk proteins, silkworm silk proteins and protein from an unrelated species. From a genetic perspective, what significantly differentiates this material from the company's Monster Silk(TM) is the unique spider silk genetic sequence that the company used, which it designed to increase strength to weight ratios. Another important difference is the incorporation of a unique protein, which gives the new fiber its designation as 'red.'

The design for 'Big Red' derived from what the company learned about the mechanical characteristics of recombinant spider silk fibers from work with Monster Silk(TM). Specifically, the new fiber was designed to place more emphasis on tensile strength and slightly less emphasis on elongation. The company anticipates that 'Big Red' will be a powerful arrow in its quiver as the company moves to commercialize Monster Silk(TM) and the Company is hopeful that this new material will follow it in the commercialization pipeline.

In my view, the creation of Big Red demonstrates the power of its technology to continue to develop new and exciting materials. The "Big Red" name comes in part from the fact that the fibers have a slight red cast. Under UV light, the new fibers actually glow bright red.

The successful creation of these new materials once again validates the company's scientific models. Based upon the observed levels of color expression and the nature of the spider silk genetic configurations used in its creation, the hope is that it will find its own significant niche in the technical textiles marketplace. Preparation for mechanical testing of the new fiber is currently taking place.