LOVE Pharma has launched its Love Pharma online shop, a fully integrated e-commerce platform featuring its proprietary products, BLOOM and Auralief. A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on the image or link below:LOVE Pharma, an international sexual health and wellness company, has launched its Love Pharma online shop, a fully integrated e-commerce platform featuring its proprietary products, BLOOM and Auralief.: LOVE Pharma, an international sexual health and wellness company, has launched its Love Pharma online shop, a fully integrated e-commerce platform featuring its proprietary products, BLOOM and Auralief. For more information.

The video is available for viewing on "InvestmentPitch" and on "YouTube". If these links are not enabled. The technology infrastructure and applications are designed to leverage social and digital media campaigns independently, thereby driving specific consumers directly to individual online landing pages where they can seamlessly purchase the different products such as Auralief and Bloom.

This proprietary online store will be deployed for LOVE's over-the-counter therapeutics arm, for which the Company has 6 exclusive licenses, as previously announced. During the initial soft-launch phase, are focused on direct-to-consumer sales, supported by integrated social media and digital marketing campaigns. The second phase of B2B sales will build on the success of B2C marketing and awareness strategies.