Japan System Techniques Co., Ltd. at the 52nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 25, 2024 and the Board of Directors meeting held after this shareholders meeting, following proposed changes in Directors and Audit & Supervisory Committee members have been implemented at the same date. The company appointed Gao Yongdong as External Director. The company announced that Masami Yabushita's desigantion has been changed from Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board member to Director, full-time Audit &
Supervisory Committee member; Jiro Mogami's desigantion has been changed from External Audit & Supervisory Board member to External Director, Audit & Supervisory
Committee member. The company also announced the appointment of Misa Machida as External Director, Audit & Supervisory Committee member. The company announced that Keizo Yamamoto's desigantion has been changed from Substitute External Audit & Supervisory Board member to Substitute External Director, Audit & Supervisory Committee member.