Japan Foods Holding Ltd. announced retirement of Lee Sok Koon, Constance as lead independent director, chairperson of the audit and risk committee, and a member of nominating committee and remuneration committee respectively. Other Director Ships Past: 1. Director of Singapore Arts School Limited 2. Member of Finance and Investment Committee, Singapore Island Country Club. Other Director Ships Present: Independent Director of NUS America Foundation Inc. since 27 August 2013 2. Independent Director, SBS Transit Ltd. since 1 May 2017 3. Honorary Member of Fundraising Committee, Singapore Arts School Limited since 1 February 2020 4. Independent Director, Lum Chang Holdings Ltd. since 27 August 2021 5. Independent Director, Mooreast Holdings Ltd. since 28 October 2021.

Reason for cessation: Mdm Lee is retiring from her directorship in the Company at the close of the Annual General Meeting on 25 July 2024 to facilitate Board renewal process after having served on the Board of Directors of the Company for more than nine years.