Ixia (Nasdaq: XXIA) announced the expansion of its Xcellon TM-Multis portfolio of products with a native 12-port 40GbE load module, which is the highest 40GbE port density in the industry. Enabling the validation of large-scale data center networking ecosystems with the addition of the high port density modules and the 10GbE fan-out functionality, the Xcellon-Multis solution gives enterprises and service providers the ability to perform higher speed Ethernet testing as well as the confidence that their networks will run at optimum performance.

News highlights

With growing bandwidth demands from cloud applications, video streaming and other mixed-media data, networking technologies must scale to include higher-density high-speed ports in order to meet consumer demands for a reliable quality of experience. At the same time, enterprises, service providers and equipment manufacturers require solutions that test and validate these technologies and their associated networks, while not increasing costs.

Ixia's Xcellon-Multis meets these demands as the industry-leading solution to test and validate networks with stateful traffic, with support for mixed application traffic starting in the second quarter of 2014, at 10GbE, 40GbE and 100GbE speeds - all with a smaller footprint, reduced operating costs and fan-out technology to enable multiple speeds from a single test port.

Xcellon-Multis provides a comprehensive way to test, assess and validate large scale and port count networks in order to keep pace with increasing bandwidth requirements from complex and rapidly growing Internet traffic. Testing the scalability of high-density data center switches is vital to data centers operators and equipment manufacturers. The Xcellon-Multis scales up to hundreds of 40GbE and 100GbE ports while also providing:

  • The industry's highest port density with the new 12x40GbE and 6x40GbE native QSFP variants, which provide customers the unique ability to test and validate networking technologies with the industry's highest port 100/40/10GbE density for HSE testing solutions.
  • Fan-out functionality to reduce the cost and equipment needed for increased port density and greater support for 10GbE testing.
  • Continued versatility with the option to test higher speed Ethernet from 10GbE up to 100GbE on a single load module.

Industry commentary

"The demands on networks increase daily, and Ixia's continued innovation with solutions like Xcellon-Multis not only meets the industry's HSE testing needs but also enables equipment manufacturers to exceed the demands of their customers," said Nick Lippis of the The Lippis Report. "A recent 288-port 40GbE test using the Xcellon-Multis solutions showcased the ability to accurately assess technologies and provide the quality products customers expect with growing flexibility and support for a broad range of Ethernet speeds."

"Ixia is driven to provide our customers with innovative solutions that enable the fast and reliable delivery of networking technologies," said Charles Seifert, Senior Product Manager, Ixia. "The expansion of our Xcellon-Multis portfolio provides increased flexibility for HSE testing along with actionable resources to validate networks and ensure customers of an always on experience."

About Ixia

Ixia develops amazing products so its customers can connect the world. Ixia helps its customers provide an always-on user experience through fast, secure delivery of dynamic, connected technologies and services. Through actionable insights that accelerate and secure application and service delivery, Ixia's customers benefit from faster time to market, optimized application performance and higher-quality deployments. Learn more at http://www.ixiacom.com.

Ixia Editorial Contact:
Leslie Denson, 512-821-6035