iX Biopharma Ltd. announced the top-line results from an open-label, pilot study conducted in London, United Kingdom by NAD Laboratory Ltd, evaluating the effects of its novel sublingual NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) wafer (SL-NAD+) on NAD+ levels in nine healthy individuals. The study showed a significant increase in blood NAD+ levels, with an average rise of 59% at two weeks and 76% at six weeks compared to baseline. In addition to boosting NAD+ levels, the study showed that SL-NAD+ wafers also improved various aspects of health and wellness in the participants.

According to a self-reported questionnaire, participants reported enhancements in energy levels, mood, sleep quality, mental clarity, and/or physical strength, which were sustained throughout the six-week study period. Moreover, SL-NAD+ wAFers were safe and well tolerated. These results add to a growing body of evidence that the supplementation of NAD is a good way to improve the quality of life as one ages.

However, SL-NAD+ is the only scientifically proven consumer product that delivers pure NAD+ via the oral mucosa to effectively increase NAD+ levels, making it the most direct and efficient way to boost NAD+ levels and enjoy its benefits. Its advantages include: effective sublingual delivery for better bioavailability and quicker uptake; consistent dosing with no need for conversion to NAD+ compared to NR (nicotinamide riboside) and NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide) precursor supplements; and in comparison to NAD+ IV drips, it is more practical, convenient, affordable, and readily available, providing a way for continuous supplementation to maintain constant, optimal NAD+ levels.