Vitogas Espanha manages its distribution activity with the support of monitoring its tank park. The solution chosen for remote monitoring of LPG tanks, developed by ISA, is easy to implement and provides significant benefits to management process of replenishment. Our equipment captures the exact levels of tanks and reports data in real-time to a dedicated platform. Obtainment of these values allows setting alarms of critical levels to control stocks and manage refills in a more optimized form.

Vitogas counts on our equipment to monitor its LPG tanks since 2006. ISA is already monitoring several hundreds of Vitogas locations throughout the Spanish territory. Data provided by telemetry are essential in order to achieve a smart logistic in the distribution process. Telemetry of gas tanks allows Vitogas to save on logistic costs and offers an added value service to its clients.

Vitogas Espanha is a subsidiary of French multinational Vitogaz, specializing in LPG supply, and a member of Rubis Group. Vitogaz began its activity in the North of France with offering propane bottles for more than eight decades. In the 60's, it started its activities in the bulk propane gas installation and supply market and after two years it already had installed 310 deposits of Vitogaz gas. Currently, the Vitogaz brand is present in several countries like Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria.

Vitogas Espanha tells about the significant changes in activity with the use of remote monitoring of ISA.

What has changed in Vitogas after starting to use telemetry?

The need to implement remote management of equipment is a result of our policy which is based on providing the best service to our customers. With the remote monitoring of LPG tanks we can control the levels of our park, guaranteeing that our clients never run out of product. Thus, telemetry allows a better control of the consumption.

What are the main benefits for distribution process brought by using ISA´s telemetry solution?

With the use of ISA's telemetry equipment the customer satisfaction is remarkable, besides improving our optimization of supply logistics. Reduction of delivery trips has been substantial.

In addition to these benefits, we feel the improvement in safety of trucks because we have reduced the number of trips and also number of clients with urgent deliveries caused by low gas levels, which was one of Vitogas Espanha S.A. requirements.

What would Vitogas say to a distribution company which does not use monitoring of tanks?

For any company, the use of remote monitoring for tanks is a synonym of improvement, bringing the advantages described above. Customer satisfaction with the service along with safety improvements and costs reduction represents relevant reasons to include telemetry as an advantage of service offered to final consumer.

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