Inter Pipeline Ltd. announced a $1.3 billion capital expenditure program for 2014, primarily directed towards the expansion of its oil pipeline systems. Rising customer demand for transportation capacity in the oil producing regions serviced by Inter Pipeline has driven $3.4 billion in capital investment since 2012. Organic growth projects are expected to account for about 97% of 2014 total expenditures, with modest sustaining capital requirements accounting for the remainder. In 2014, the majority of capital expenditures will support the development of Inter Pipeline's oil sands transportation business where nearly $1.2 billion will be invested in new pipeline and facility construction projects.

An additional $70 million has been allocated for new pipeline connection and capacity enhancement projects to meet growth in light and medium oil volumes within Inter Pipeline's conventional oil gathering business segment. Elsewhere, growth capital spending plans include approximately $10 million in each of Inter Pipeline's NGL extraction and bulk liquid storage businesses. Consistent with recent years, a total of $40 million has been allocated for sustaining capital projects in 2014.