Inspirit Energy Holdings plc announced that it has committed to the development and production of a new 2 kilowatt (‘kW') electrical output version of the Inspirit mCHP boiler-generator for the domestic market to complement the larger 3 kW electrical output version currently being built for the SME market. The significance of this decision is to significantly increase the market potential of Inspirit's product range by offering an appliance that is suitable for the larger domestic sector that can qualify for the current UK Government Feed in Tariff (‘FiT'). The new smaller 2 kW electrical output version will be launched soon after the release of the 3kW electrical output version which is currently being assembled and prepared for advanced field trials at a number of UK Utility and SME sites.

The 3 kW output version is aimed at the SME market and it's main feature is the payback achieved by the use of the power in a commercial enterprise hence off-setting the purchase cost, whereas the 2 kW version, which will be Microgeneration Certification Scheme ("MCS") approved, will achieve similar payback potential at lower running hours and take full advantage of the current benefits under the existing FiT schemes.   The company is currently establishing and looking to expand its third party production capabilities with local and international manufacturing companies and is now committed to the fulfilment of significant volumes over the next 5 years. To support this, the Company has commenced extensive marketing activities to reach potential domestic customers who would be attracted by the 2kW version and the potential short payback times achieved via the FiT.