Xumanii announced that it will enter the tablet market with a new Imerjn branded tablet computer. The company will offer a 10 inch and 7 inch tablet computer. The Tablet will run the Google Android operating system and is expected to be ready for sale in January 2014.

According to research from IDC, shipments of tablets will exceed all PCs in the fourth quarter of 2013 and, by 2015, annual shipments of tablets are projected to be higher than those of all PCs (calculated on a unit basis). IDC projects that 227 million tablets will be shipped in 2013, compared to 134 million desktop PCs and 180 million laptops. By all measures, tablet sales are exploding.

The projected total growth rate for tablets over the next four years is expected to be 79 percent. This even higher than the projected growth rate for smart phones which is expected to be 71% over the same period of time. As far as operating systems are concerned, Canalys projects that devices running Google's Android operating system are projected to be approximately 65% of the tablet market in 2014 (compared to 30% for Apple).