The labor sanctions at Israel Chemicals Ltd. continued on January 6, 2014, as the workers committee representatives at the Amfert Rotem Negev unit prevented contract workers from entering the phosphates plant on January 6, 2014. The workers committee is protesting the company's emergency plan, which includes 130 layoffs. According to the company 'cleaning and maintenance workers were taken off the buses by committee representative and not allowed to enter the premises to work.

These are outside workers who are not a party to the good labor contract that Amfert Rotem's employees have'. Disruptions also continued at Israel Chemicals's other plants in the south, after the negotiations between Amfert Rotem's workers and management broke down last week. Some employees at the Israel Chemicals Industrial Products LP bromine compounds plant at Ramat Hovav were notified on January 6, 2014 that they would not receive full pay, after they participated on January 5, 2014 labor disruptions and prevented the delivery of goods from the premises.

Letters to the employees stated that anyone participating in the labor disruptions would only be eligible for 'reasonable pay', based on the actual work they do. 'No work, no pay,' was the message. Israel Chemicals on January 6, 2014 strongly denied Ben-Senor's allegations, saying that no one in authority had mentioned mass layoffs.