Shin'ya Hashimoto signed a contract to acquire I-Freek Products Sales, Inc. from I-Freek Holdings Inc. (JASDAQ:3845) for ¥3 million on January 30, 2015. Under the terms of the deal, 800 shares will be acquired. Post closing, Shin'ya Hashimoto will hold 100% stake in I-Freek Products Sales, Inc. and I-Freek Holdings Inc. will not hold any stake in I-Freek Products Sales, Inc. and I-Freek Holdings Inc. will withdraw from the E-commerce business.

For the period ended March 2014, I-Freek Products Sales had net assets of ¥140 million, total assets of ¥176 million, sales of ¥502 million, operating profit of ¥177 million, ordinary profit of ¥172 million and gross profit of ¥177 million. The transaction was resolved by Board of Directors of I-Freek Holdings on January 30, 2015. The tentative share transfer date is February 1, 2015.

Shin'ya Hashimoto cancelled the acquisition of I-Freek Products Sales, Inc. from I-Freek Holdings Inc. (JASDAQ:3845) on January 30, 2016.