Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.

(to be renamed as Ground Properties Company Limited 廣 澤 地 產 有 限 公 司 )

(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)


The Board is pleased to announce that all the proposed resolutions were duly passed by the
Shareholders by way of poll at the SGM held on Thursday, 23 January 2014.
Reference is made to the circular (the "Circular") and the notice (the "SGM Notice") of the special general meeting of China Motion Telecom International Limited (the "Company") both dated 27 December 2013. Unless the context otherwise requires, terms defined in this announcement shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Circular.


The Board is pleased to announce that all the proposed resolutions (the "Resolution(s)") as set out in the SGM Notice were duly passed by the Shareholders by way of poll at the SGM held on Thursday, 23 January 2014.
At the SGM, all the Resolutions were taken by poll. The Company's branch share registrar in Hong Kong, Tricor Abacus Limited, was appointed as the scrutineer at the SGM for the purpose of vote-taking.
As at the date of the SGM, the total number of issued Shares in the Company was
2,832,500,000, which was also the total number of Shares entitling the Shareholders to attend and vote for or against the Resolutions at the SGM. There was no Shares entitling the Shareholders to attend and abstain from voting in favour of any Resolution at the SGM as set out in Rule 13.40 of the Listing Rules and there was no Shares requiring the Shareholders to abstain from voting at the SGM under the Listing Rules. No parties had indicated in the Circular that they intended to vote against or to abstain from voting on any Resolution at the SGM.

* For identification purpose only


The poll results in respect of the Resolutions were as follows:

Special Resolution

Number of Shares represented by votes (approximate %)

Special Resolution




To approve the proposed change of the English name of the Company from "China Motion Telecom International Limited" to "Ground Properties Company Limited" and the adoption of

"廣澤地產有限公司" as the Chinese secondary

name of the Company

1,610,693,894 (99.99%)

200,000 (0.01%)

Ordinary Resolutions


(a) To re-elect Mr. Cong Hongsong as Executive


1,610,693,894 (99.99%)

200,000 (0.01%)


(b) To re-elect Mr. Chan Yuk Tong as Independent

Non-executive Director

1,610,693,894 (99.99%)

200,000 (0.01%)


(c) To re-elect Mr. Mei Jianping as Independent

Non-executive Director

1,610,693,894 (99.99%)

200,000 (0.01%)


(d) To re-elect Ms. Nie Meisheng as Independent

Non-executive Director

1,610,693,894 (99.99%)

200,000 (0.01%)

As not less than 75% of the votes were cast in favour of the special resolution no. 1, the special resolution was therefore duly passed at the SGM. As more than 50% of the votes were cast in favour of the ordinary resolutions nos. 2(a) to (d), the ordinary resolutions were therefore duly passed at the SGM.
By order of the Board

China Motion Telecom International Limited Chai Xiu


Hong Kong, 23 January 2014

As at the date hereof, the executive Directors are Ms. Chai Xiu, Mr. Chen Luhui, Mr. Cong Hongsong and Mr. Ji Zuguang, the non-executive Director is Mr. Ting Pang Wan, Raymond and the independent non-executive Directors are Mr. Chan Yuk Tong, Mr. Mei Jianping and Ms. Nie Meisheng.


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