VoltDB is a Certified Hortonworks Technology Partner and developers of an in-memory relational DBMS capable of supporting high volume OLTP and real-time analytics with Hortonworks Data Platform. Our guest blogger today is John Piekos, vice president of engineering at VoltDB.

It's a common phrase here at VoltDB: Streaming Apps are Really Database Apps When You Use a Database that's Fast Enough.

What does that mean?

We're seeing a trend: developers are struggling to create interactive, real-time applications on fast streaming data. It requires a data pipeline with the ability to compute real-time analytics on fast moving data, to make transactional decisions against state, and ultimately delivering data at high speeds to long-term Hadoop analytics stores like Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP).

Join the webinar: Click here to register and learn more about how we work with the Hadoop ecosystem.

It's a difficult feat to build fast data applications that can simultaneously extract intelligence, provide insight, and take action in real time on huge volumes of streaming data. But most importantly, exporting it rapidly to HDP or other Hadoop stores in a variety of formats enables historical intelligence. Historical intelligence is one of the primary keys to providing a personalized experience for these fast streaming data applications.

At VoltDB our export functionality, called VoltDB Export, transactionally pushes data from VoltDB into Hadoop using the Web HDFS connector. Unlike an Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) process, VoltDB Export uses a push model that exports data at the same rate at which it is ingested.

This means VoltDB speeds analytical results derived from HDP in applications including real-time scoring, policy enforcement, and customer interaction; VoltDB provides the ability to ingest data as fast as it arrives, perform real-time analytics, make automated decisions in real time, and continuously pass, or export, processed data into Hadoop.

We understand developers appreciate this functionality and expanded our support of the Hadoop ecosystem to include export features such as HDFS Export, HTTP Export, Kafka Export, and RabbitMQ Export. We also provide support for exporting data in Avro format and enable import from Kafka messaging.

VoltDB is HDP Certified

VoltDB recently became certified with HDP so Hortonworks customers and VoltDB customers can be confident with the integration of our solutions. VoltDB is part of the Modern Data Architecture and works with your existing technologies as well as Hortonworks Data Platform and Hadoop.

Learn More

As we continue to build out our processes and integrations we invite you to check out VoltDB for yourself and download our demo. And if you'd like to learn more, I'm conducting a webinar on this topic with Ajay Singh of Hortonworks on Wednesday, January 28. Click here to register and learn more about how we work with the Hadoop ecosystem.

  • Hortonworks - VoltDB Partner page
  • VoltDB
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