Novetta is an HDP Certified Technology Partner and YARN Certified, delivering agile big data analytics solutions with HDP. In this blog, Jennifer Reed, director of product management at Novetta, shares a recent customer use case in the Oil and Gas vertical market.

Energy companies discover and develop petroleum resources to meet the needs of the global economy. Often, this requires working in areas of the world where organized crime, piracy, and terrorist activity are common and, conversely, where governmental protection is limited.

No company wants to put their employees at risk of kidnapping, see their facilities targeted by a terrorist group, or have their ships hijacked by pirates. But how can companies provide timely, relevant information to security analysts and decision makers, so they can take preventive action?

Leveraging the Hortonworks Data Platform, Novetta provides a comprehensive Security Threat Assessment Solution that collects and analyzes hundreds of sources of information, giving energy companies the insights they need to safeguard their people and operations against some of the world's gravest threats.

Novetta Entity Analytics automates the acquisition of content from online sources, subscription news feeds and social media sources to build a single view of entities and their relationships to your enterprise. It extracts those entities - people, organizations, locations, concepts - and stores them in Apache HBase. Novetta Entity Analytics then correlates those entities with data linked to terrorist and criminal organizations, geographies, and facilities using Apache Pig, Apache Oozie, and MapReduce in Apache Hadoop YARN.

The result is a powerful 360-degree view of terrorist and criminal organizations and any high-risk individuals with relationships to corporate activities, facilities and assets. This single view is stored in Apache HCatalog and made available for additional graph processing and predictive analysis. This rich contextual information is then available to security analysts with a specialized workflow and user interface that enables tracking, searches, visualization, and exploration of this complex information.

With these entity profiles and relationships, security analysts are able to understand threat details and the company's exposure to those threats. This arms security leaders with the data needed to build an action plan.

Deployed on HDP 2.2 and managed in Apache Ambari 1.7, the Security Threat Assessment Solution can be implemented, administered, and managed within a single Ambari console. Data management and web-based analytical applications connect securely through Apache Knox to ensure users have proper authentication to access, explore, and manage the data. As an HDP solution, Security Threat Assessment is compliant with Apache Ranger, providing a single point for administration of security policy.

The result is a complete, operational view of global threats that provides security analysts with the insights they need to manage risks and threats. The integrated solution from Novetta ensures that any organization can store and contextualize its data to enable timely and effective security reporting, risk assessment, and action planning.

  • Download the Oil and Gas Solution Overview with Novetta and Hortonworks
  • Visit the Novetta partner page on Hortonworks
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