Claudio Nunez Ferrer acquired 54.55% stake in Safe Dynamics Corp. from Yitzchak Socolovsky and Akiva Shonfeld on October 19, 2012. Claudio Ferrer acquired 1.5 million shares from Yitzchak Socolovsky and 1.5 million from Akiva Shonfeld. The Board of Directors appointed Claudio Nunez Ferrer as a Director of Safe Dynamics while Yitzchak Socolovsky submitted his resignation as President and Director and Akiva Shonfeld submitted her resignation as Secretary and Director of Safe Dynamics.

Claudio Nunez Ferrer completed the acquisition of 54.55% stake in Safe Dynamics Corp. from Yitzchak Socolovsky and Akiva Shonfeld on October 19, 2012.