Certain A Shares of Hootech Inc. are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 16-JUL-2024. These A Shares will be under lockup for 1105 days starting from 7-JUL-2021 to 16-JUL-2024.

The shareholder, Xia Jun has agreed not to dispose off any shares within 36 months after the listing date. If the closing price of the company?s share is lower than the issue price for 20 consecutive trading days within 6 months after listing, or if the closing price of the company?s share is lower than the issue price for the period ending six months after listing, then the lockup period shall automatically be extended for 6 months. During the term of office as the company?s director, member of supervisory board, senior management personnel, the number of shares in the company transferred each year shall not exceed 25% of the total shares held in the company.

Xuzhou Botong Enterprise Management Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership), Xia Shuo; Jiang Shan and Wang Ruili have agreed not to dispose off any shares within 36 months after the listing date. If the closing price of the company?s share is lower than the issue price for 20 consecutive trading days within 6 months after listing, or if the closing price of the company?s share is lower than the issue price for the period ending six months after listing, then the lockup period shall automatically be extended for 6 months.

Wang Ruili has agreed during the term of office as the company?s director, member of supervisory board, senior management personnel, the number of shares in the company transferred each year shall not exceed 25% of the total shares held in the company.

Lin Dejian has agreed not to dispose off any shares within 12 months after the listing date. If the closing price of the company?s share is lower than the issue price for 20 consecutive trading days within 6 months after listing, or if the closing price of the company?s share is lower than the issue price for the period ending six months after listing, then the lockup period shall automatically be extended for 6 months. During the term of office as the company?s director, member of supervisory board, senior management personnel, the number of shares in the company transferred each year shall not exceed 25% of the total shares held in the company.

Xuzhou High-Tech Venture Capital Co.; Ltd.; Niu Yong; Yu Zhihao; Li Guanyue; Zhang Hui; Yang Yong; He Xuechao; Ouyang Zhijian; Guangzhou GET Finance Holdings Co., Ltd.; Jian Zhihong; Ding Jialiang; Huang Cangui; Huang Canjia; Zhu Jin; Zhou Xide; Wang Xiao; Tian Yong; Zhang Jinghong; Xia Jiuqing; Ding Enzhen; Li Xiong; Wang Jing; Liu Bibo; Li Sheng; Qu Jingbiao have agreed not to dispose off any shares within 12 months after the listing date.

Zhu Jin and Yu Zhihao; You Jingbo; Shen Hairong; Zhao Laiyun; Ma Xiaobao; Suo Yongxi have agreed during the term of office as the company?s director, member of supervisory board, senior management personnel, the number of shares in the company transferred each year shall not exceed 25% of the total shares held in the company.

You Jingbo; Shen Hairong; Zhao Laiyun; Ma Xiaobao have agreed if the closing price of the company?s share is lower than the issue price for 20 consecutive trading days within 6 months after listing, or if the closing price of the company?s share is lower than the issue price for the period ending six months after listing, then the lockup period shall automatically be extended for 6 months.