On January 11, 2023, The Boatman Capital Research sent a letter to accountancy firm BDO, asking for assurance of its independence from the embroiled trust as Home REIT's CFO James Snape was, until March 2022, a senior audit manager at the company charged with checking the trust's books. Boatman cited Snape's LinkedIn profile and said to BDO; it is pleased to see someone with appropriate and relevant professional experience joining the investment manager of Home REIT. Boatman Capital stated that however, it thinks it is reasonable for investors to ask for assurances that there will be appropriate professional distance and rigor between BDO as auditor and one of its ex-employees.

Boatman asked that what measures has BDO put in place to ensure that its audit will be conducted independently, without favor or undue influence. In addition, Boatman stated that as it states in the letter to BDO, the enhanced audit is vital if investors are to regain confidence in Home REIT but there are several issues that need to be addressed and it also maintain its view that the board of Home REIT needs to change for the market to have any confidence in this company.