HiTi Digital, Inc. announced that the term of the Audit Committee of the Company has expired. Name of the previous position holder: FANG-CHUNG LI, YON-SHING JIANG, FANG-BING LI. Resume of the previous position holder: FANG-CHUNG LI/Project researcher at the Hydraulic Experimental Institute attached to the College of Biological Resources and Agriculture, NTU, YON-SHING JIANG/Industrialization Team Leader, Institute of Electronics and Optoelectronic Systems, Institute of Industrial Technology, FANG-BING LI/Senior Audit Manager of Mudong Optoelectronics Co.

Ltd. Name of the new position holder: FANG-CHUNG LI, FANG-BING LI, HUE-CHEN SHEN. Resume of the new position holder: FANG-CHUNG LI/Project researcher at the Hydraulic Experimental Institute attached to the College of Biological Resources and Agriculture, NTU, FANG-BING LI/Senior Audit Manager of Mudong Optoelectronics Co. Ltd. HUE-CHEN SHEN/Independent Director of Shengti Technology Co.

Ltd. Effective date of the new member: June 20, 2024.