Heron Resources Limited provided update on the Woodlawn Zinc-Copper Project for the quarter ended December 31, 2017. Earthworks – significant works completed over the process plant area, ROM pad, site access road and administration areas. Works commenced on Tailings Storage Facility 4, box-cut and haul road construction EPC – engineering design is 50% completed and procurement 30%. Civil works are scheduled to start in the current quarter Project Schedule – the project critical path schedule remains on track and on budget Underground Mining Contract – discussion are well advanced with award expected in the current quarter Port Contract – discussions are well advance and award is expected in the current quarter Operational Readiness – recruitment continues with a focus on the operational superintendents with a number of appointments expected in the current quarter. Under Woodlawn Exploration, Shallow G2 Mineral Resource was calculated with majority categorised as higher-confidence Indicated Mineral Resource for incorporation into the mining schedule. Global underground Mineral Resource revised with a 12% increase in total Measured & Indicated tonnes. Under Woodlawn Regional Exploration, Currawang - Down-hole electromagnetic (DHEM) surveys identified a number of significant off-hole conductors. Peelwood - base-metal camp was acquired through tenement applications, which includes the area covering the previously reported JORC 2004 Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. Kangiara - RAB drilling program (41 holes for 639 m) completed with assays pending.