The Board of Directors of GSS Energy Limited, having considered the recommendation of the Nominating Committee of the Company and assessed Dr. Lei Chien professional qualifications, educational background and her work experience is of the view that she has the requisite experience and capabilities to assume the responsibility of a Director of the Company. The Board is also of the view that her appointment will increase the gender diversity of the Board. Role And Responsibilities: Non-Executive.

Job Title: Independent Non-Executive Chairperson of the Board, Chairperson of the Nominating and Remuneration Committees and Member of the Audit Committee. Working Experience 2023 to present: Senior Research Fellow, Belt and Road Research Institute, Hainan University 2018 to present: Chairperson & Executive Director, Natural Beauty Bio-Technology Ltd. 2017 to present: Chairperson, National Women's League, R.O.C. 2016 to present: Executive Director, Pacific Construction Co. Ltd. 2014 to 2020: Vice Chairman, DigiDom Cable TV Co.

Ltd. 2011 to 2020: Independent Director, IBF Financial Holdings Co. Ltd. 2009 to 2017: Director, Eastern Broadcasting Co. Ltd. Other DirectorShips Past: DigiDom Cable TV Co.

Ltd. IBF Financial Holdings Co. Ltd. Other DirectorShips Present: Natural Beauty Bio-Technology Ltd. National Women s League, R.O.C. Pacific Construction Co. Ltd. Director Experience Details: Dr. Lei is a Director of Pacific Construction Co., Ltd, and a Director (Chairperson) of Natural Beauty Co.

Ltd. She has attended many training courses in those two jurisdictions. The Company will be enrolling Dr. Lei in the relevant training courses offered by either (i) Singapore Institute of Directors or Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants and SAC Capital within one year from the date of her appointment. Professional Qualifications: B.A., Foreign Languages and Literature, National Taiwan University M.A, Annenberg School for Communications, University of Pennsylvania Ph.D., Annenberg School for Communications, University of Pennsylvania.

Date of appointment: July 16, 2024.