King Island Scheelite Limited reported consolidated earnings results for the six months ended December 31, 2016. For the period, the company reported results from operating activities was AUD 451,534 compared to AUD 983,783 a year ago. Loss before tax was AUD 515,899 compared to AUD 979,118 a year ago. Net loss attributable to members of the parent was AUD 515,899 compared to AUD 964,735 a year ago. Loss per share ­ basic and diluted was 0.3 cents compared to 0.6 cents a year ago. Net tangible assets per ordinary share (NTA Backing) were 1.0 cents. Net cash used in operating activities was AUD 553,655 compared to AUD 1,059,052 a year ago. Payments for property, plant and equipment was AUD 655.