VILNIUS, Jan 9 (LETA--BNS) - Kesko Senukai, the largestbuilding and home improvement retail chain in the Baltics,said on Thursday it is suspending purchases of Grigeo products in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia amid suspicions thatthe tissue paper and cardboard producer'sKlaipeda subsidiaryreleased untreated wastewater into the Curonian Lagoon.

"We are concerned about the allegations of enormous environmental pollution, and we cannotjust stay on the sidelines and wait for answers to all questionstogether with the general public,"Elona Uckute, a spokeswoman for Kesko Senukai, said in a press release.

The chain will continue to sell its existing stock of Grigeo products, but will not make new orders, she added.

Kesko Senukai owns 104 stores in the Baltic countries, including 85 Senukai and Statybu Duona stores in Lithuania, eightK-Rauta stores in Estonia, and eleven K Senukai stores in Latvia.

Iki, one of Lithuania's largest supermarket chains, said on Wednesday it would not purchase Grigeo products until allquestions about the suspected release ofuntreated wastewater by the group's cardboard factory in Klaipeda had been answered.

Other chains saidthey were still considering what to do.

© Pakistan Press International, source Asianet-Pakistan