On January 10, 2024, Browning West, LP issued a letter to shareholders announcing that it has requisitioned a Special Meeting of Shareholders for the purpose of providing shareholders an opportunity to reconstitute Gildan Activewear Inc?s Board of Directors. In the letter, Browning West disclosed that it has expanded its slate of director candidates to 8 members and is now seeking to remove a majority of the sitting directors. The Special Meeting is proposed to be convened without delay and will allow shareholders to install the following qualified individuals: Michael Kneeland, Glenn Chamandy, Michener Chandlee, Ghislain Houle, Me´lanie Kau, Peter Lee, Karen Stuckey, and J.P. Towner.

Browning West believes that significant change is urgently needed at Gildan to protect long-term shareholder value. In addition, Browning West urged the Company?s Board to respect the will of shareholders and not employ tactics to unreasonably delay special meeting.