Reg. No. 231401000 (Previous Reg. No. 6073/06/?/86/12)
The Shareholders are hereby invited in accordance with the law and the Bank's Articles of Association to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting, to be held on Monday January 13th 2014, at 10:00 a.m. in Athens, at the ground floor auditorium of the Bank's Headquarters (109-111
Mesogeion Avenue, 115 26, Athens).
The items of the agenda have as follows:
1. Election of new Board of Directors
2. Approval of agreements according to article 23a Law 2190/1920
3. Miscellaneous announcements
In this General Meeting, shareholders that have the right to participate and vote are those who will be registered at the beginning of 08.01.2014 in Geniki Bank Shareholders' registry, which is electronically kept at the "Hellenic Exchanges S.A. Holding, Clearing, Settlement & Registry". No share blocking is required.
The shareholders who wish to participate in the General Meeting by proxy must deposit the relevant proxy form (Power of Attorney), available on the Bank's website www.geniki.grand at the Bank's Shareholder Services Department, 109-111 Mesogeion Avenue, 115 26 , Athens (ground floor), not later than the third day prior to the date of the General Meeting.
With respect to the aforementioned General Meeting, the Shareholders have also the rights mentioned below:
(a) Shareholders representing at least one twentieth (1/20) of the paid-up share capital may request the Board of Directors, by way of an application which must be delivered to the Board of Directors at least fifteen (15) days prior to the General Meeting, to include additional items on the General Meeting's Agenda. The application must be accompanied by a written statement of reasons or a draft resolution for approval by the General Meeting.
(b) Shareholders representing at least one twentieth (1/20) of the paid-up share capital may request the Board of Directors, by way of an application which must be delivered to the Board of Directors at least seven (7) days prior to the General Meeting to upload to the Bank's website ( draft resolutions for items included in the initial or revised General Meeting agenda, accessible to the shareholders, at least six (6) days prior to the General Meeting date.
(c) Through an application that is submitted to the Bank at least five (5) full days prior to the General Meeting, shareholders may request the Board of Directors to provide the General Meeting with requested specific information with respect to Bank's business, to the extent that these are useful for the actual assessment of the items of the agenda.
(d) Shareholders representing one fifth (1/5) of the paid-up share capital may request the Board of Directors, through an application which must be submitted to the Bank at least five (5) full days prior to the General Meeting, to provide the General Meeting with information about the course of the Bank's affairs and financial situation.
Information relating to par.3 article 27 of L.2190/20 is available at the Bank's branches and on the corporate website
Athens, December 23, 2013

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