Resolutions of Ordinary General Meeting

Geniki Bank announces that its Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, held on
Wednesday, June 25th 2014, at 10:00, was attended by shareholders representing
68.278.406 shares out of 68.322.221 common shares, namely 99,94% of share capital that may vote on the items of the agenda. The General Meeting:
1. - Approved the stand alone and consolidated financial statements of the fiscal year
01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013 (according to the IFRS) together with the relevant Auditors' and Board of Directors' Reports
- Approved the financial statements along with the distribution table that were drafted in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Books and Elements, as in force and as entered on 31.12.2013 in the Bank's Book of Inventory and Balance and
- Decided not to distribute dividend at shareholders
2. Approved the release of the members of the Board of Directors and the Auditors from any liability for indemnity of the fiscal year 2013
3. Nominated the audit firm DELOITTE as external Certified Auditors to audit the
Financial Statements of the fiscal year 2014
4. Elected new Board of Directors for a three years' tenure and designated four independent non executive members, in accordance with the provisions of law
3016/2002, as currently in force. The composition of the new Board of Directors is as follows:
Michael Sallas Georgios Liakopoulos Nikolaos Karamouzis Lampros Papakonstantinou
Alexios Adamopoulos Independent Non Executive Member
Konstantinos Georgiou
Pantelis Mavrodopoulos Independent Non Executive Member
Georgios Mantakas
Martha Barka
Solomon Berachas Independent Non Executive Member Michail Sidiropoulos Independent Non Executive Member Sotirios Syrmakezis
5. Approved fees and remunerations to be paid to members of the Board of Directors of the Bank for the year 2013 and gave preliminary approval for fees to be paid to members of the Board of Directors for the year 2014.
6. Approved the appointment of Mr. Solomon Berachas, Mr. Georgios Liakopoulos, Mr.
Alexios Adamopoulos and Mr Pantelis Mavrodopoulos as Audit Committee Members, in accordance with the provisions of article 37, law 3693/2008.
7. Granted permission to members of the Board of Directors and executive officers of the Bank to participate in the management of affiliate (pursuant to article 42e, par. 5, Cod. Law 2190/1920) companies of the Bank, in accordance with article 23, Cod. Law 2190/1920.

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