Izdanje obveznice Raiffeisenbank Austria d Announcement

Announcement of the Results of the Telephone Session of the Supervisory Board

Kalinovica, 22 October 2015 - GENERA d.d. (ZSE: VERN-R-A) announces that on 21 October 2015 the session of the Supervisory Board was held by telephone, at which session the Supervisory Board acknowledged the resignation of Mr Marko Smetiško from the function of the Chairman of the Management Board and of Ms Ana Hanžeković from the function of the member of the Management Board of the Company. Agreements on the Termination of the Employment were concluded with the members of the Management Board. The Supervisory Board established that the resignation of Mr Marko Smetiško, Chairman of the Management Board, enters into force on 31 October, and the resignation of Ms Ana Hanžeković, member of the Management Board, on 21 October 2015.

By a unanimous decision, the Supervisory Board appointed as members of the Management Board Ms Anne-Françoise Nesmes for a term of 12 months, as of 21 October 2015 and Mr Janko Štefanek for a term of 6 months as of 21 October 2015.

After held discussions and the voting, the Supervisory Board unanimously also passed the decision that the Management Board of Genera d.d. consists of 3 members as of 31 October, and as of 1 November 2015 of 2 members, with Ms Anne-Françoise Nesmes becoming Chairman of the Management Board.

For more information on Genera, please visit www.genera.hr


Ana Bagarić, Director of Corporate Communications, +385 1 33 88 603, ana.bagaric@genera.hr

Ana Prelog, Head of Corporate Communications, +385 1 33 88 726, ana.prelog@genera.hr


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