Approaching the summer, which is also the peak season for the residential AC business, Midea Carrier JV Brazil recently launched a new brand campaign with the theme of "Viva mais cade monmento" ("Live more for every moment"). Since October 20th, this campaign has been shown nationwide across major ad channels such as print, radio and cable TV.

After defining the key value and the position to be aimed for in the market by a brand research study some months ago, MCJV Brazil established a new brand book for Midea and communications material for the country, consisting of new advertisements and promotional materials, which convey the  warmness and comfort felt by family members when using Midea products. The idea of the brand is also expressed through these, the idea that one can find happiness, and enjoy every moment of daily life more than ever before. The campaign's first step on October 20th was its publication in the magazine Veja , the most popular magazine in Brazil, followed by a placement during one of the most popular morning news shows, and throughout the favorite channels on cable TV.
Consult the attached schedule, and tune in to see and hear the new campaign!

Midea on the Radio
Between 7:00 and 7:30am, the newspaper First Time (Radio Bandeirantes) publishes Midea brand ads in its daily newsletters. Ads on BandNews FM can also be heard between 6:00am and 7:00pm, up until December 8th.

Midea on TV
Cable TV ads will also air during primetime hours on Fridays. Up until December 6th, millions of viewers will see these ads on stations such as TNT, Fox, and Mega Pix SporTV.
See below for a detailed schedule.

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